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Best Beginner Mac Tips and Tricks

Hover your cursor above the green icon on top-left of any application you would like to see displayed in Split Screen View. The following options are displayed: Go to Full Screen; Tile Window on Left or Right Side of Screen. Select the left- or right-side option and you can then choose a second app for the other side. You can exit Split Screen View by tapping on the “green” button at the top-left corner of any app. It’s not necessary to alter the Mac default interface. But if there are specific images or logos you would like to use instead of a blue folder and default preview you can. You can do it easily.

First, you’ll need to create an image using the default editing software you prefer. Select the image you want to use, then press Command+C and copy. Click on the folder/file you’d like to modify the icon and then select “Get Info” from the context menu. The preview image will appear at the apple watch price in srilanka upper-left corner of the card. Select it and then press Command+V to insert your image.

From your Mac, you can shut down Safari tabs that have been opened on Apple devices using your AppleID. You can use this feature to close all open tabs before you hand your iPad over to kids. You can do this by opening Safari and tapping on the Cloud beside the search box. Safari tabs open on your Apple devices are displayed.

It’s a very simple trick, but it is one you should know. To switch audio from your Mac’s speakers to headphones, tap the sound icon on your top menu bar. Select any headphones you’ve connected and decide whether to use your input device.

You can quickly access special characters by holding down certain keys. You can hold down the letter e to see the available options for accents. For instance, when writing cafe you’d need to press the ‘e. It’s possible to type other characters, such as emoji. Yes, it’s true, you don’t have to own a MacBook Pro equipped with Touch Bar to be able type an emoji.

When you select the Edit option, you will see an Emoji & Symbols section, if your app allows it. The fn key at the bottom-left of your keyboard will also allow you to select the symbols. The search bar allows you to look up a character symbol or filter by category.

Apple will automatically save screenshots that you have taken on your Mac as PNG. However, this may not be the best solution, depending upon what you intend to do after taking the screenshot. Terminal is a great tool to use if you want to modify the default file format. Do not panic. This isn’t as frightening as you might think.

Terminal is located in Spotlight. You’ll then want to type ‘defaults write type JPG’ and press enter. Once your Mac restarts, you’ll see the effects. Enter ‘KillAll SystemUIServer.’ if you want to avoid restarting. To revert back to PNG, you’ll need to type ‘defaults write type PNG’ and enter, followed by a restart or ‘KillAll SystemUIServer’ and enter.

You can quickly copy links in Safari by pressing Command + C, then Command + L. This will highlight the whole link, making it much faster than dragging the cursor all the way to the end.

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